Many-to-Many invites conversation(s) of all shapes, sizes, scales and media.
shared on Many-to-Many need not be face-to-face interactions. They can extend across space and time. They can involve multiple media (audio, video, text, image...). They can even be conversations about what conversation CAN'T be archived...
We also invite you to share reflections - as brief or as detailed as you like - about how the conversation(s) came about, and why its participants want it circulated digitally. Answer some or all of the questions below. Or you can also upload reflections as a text, audio, video, or image file.
Launching Many-to-Many
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Many-to-Many is an interactive archive of conversations recorded around the world. We invite ethnographers, their interlocutors, and the general public to share conversations in any form and medium: from disputes, to conversations with non-human participants, to monologues, to conversations grounded in silence, not speech. In doing so we ask, what is a conversation in the first place?
Today the ethics of digital conversation are uncertain. Digital security
and freedom of speech
are contested concepts whose deployment can lead to violation or violence. By interrogating assumptions about what kinds of material can and should be archived, when, where, and by whom, we hope to collectively forge an ethics of digital circulation and collaboration.
On the Meta-Conversation
page, we discuss questions of shared concern — about fieldwork, ethics, mistakes, failures. We can reflect on how we decide whether or not to share those mistakes, failures, unfinished fragments with others on digital spaces such as this one. Finally, we can interrogate the theoretical commitments that get coded into digital infrastructures, including this one, and what, if anything, to do about them.
What you (anyone!) can do on Many-to-Many:
For another kind of introduction, watch this global meta-conversation.
Many-to-Many is supported by the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM) and Digital Humanities at Berkeley.
Creator and Conversation Analyst
Juliana is a doctoral student in anthropology at UC Berkeley. Her dissertation explores how new media transform sex-education and postcolonial statecraft in Senegal. She draws on her experiences in radio and print journalism to explore modes of dialogic storytelling in ethnographic practice.
Seth is a student from the College of Letters & Science at University of California, Berkeley. He currently freelances in coding and design, with an interest in creating interactive experiences. He is responsible for the Many-to-Many website programming.
Nicholas is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design and Director of the Berkeley Center for New Media. The work of his Oakland-based design practice has been exhibited widely, including at the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Lisbon Architecture Triennial, SFMOMA, and the Chicago MCA.
For inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].
Contributors to this site (including, users, authors, and commenters) contribute and post content under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. This allows others to download this content and share it for non-commercial purposes as long as they make attribution to the content’s author(s). Others are prohibited from making derivatives of the content (e.g. remixing, excerpting, separating audio from transcript, etc) or using it for commercial purposes.
This interactive archive flourishes when readers and contributors feel welcome and safe. You agree not to use language that abuses or discriminates on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, age, region, disability, etc.
This community respects rights to privacy and publicity, and is sensitive to variations in cultural standards and norms. If you feel that any User-posted Content violates your rights in this or other regards, please contact us at [email protected].
Contributors acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all User-posted Content that you make available through Many-to-Many. Accordingly, you represent that: (i) you have any rights, licenses, consents and releases that are necessary to grant to Many-to-Many the license set forth above; and (ii) that the User-posted Content you contribute does not infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law or regulation.
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